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Today's Mother

Just what does a mother do all day?

They work their fingers to the bone.
They push their nerves to the brink.
They use every skill they have just to survive the day.

Little things matter to our kids.
They are the things that meet special needs that say, I love you.

But when a mother's time becomes crowded by competing demands,
there is no time for these little things

These little things really make a difference.

Here is a list of what mothers may have to do in a single day:
Baby feeder, diaper changer, bather, rocker, burper, hugger
Listener to crying and fussing and thousands of questions
Picker upper of food and debris cast on the floor

Problem solver, determiner of action,
and the one who gives those talks to whoever needs them

Phone messenger, reminder of responsibilities
Comforter, encourager, counselor
Linguistic expert for two-year-old dialects
Trainer of baby-sitters

Listener-- for the husband as well as the children
about their day, their needs, their concerns, their aspirations

Teacher of everything from how to chew food to how to drive a car
Assist on school projects (collecting bugs, building paper volcanoes, etc.)
Questioner, prober to promote thinking

Censor of TV, movies, books
Homework helper
Reader of thousands of children's books (over and over and over)

Planner and hostess of children's birthday parties
Planner and hostess of adult dinner parties
(for friends, relatives, travelers, and strangers

Grocery shopper
Cook and washer of dishes
Short-order cook for those meals after the family's dinner
that growing children must have

Dispatcher to see that the appliance is fixed or the carpet shampooed
Executioner of ants, roaches, wasps and other pests

Resident historian in charge of photo albums, baby books,
and school record books
Resident source of information for all those hard questions that arise

Officer of the day, on call for any emergency at home or away

Defroster of refrigerator and freezer
Food preservation expert

Family secretary, confirming dinner reservations, travel, accommodations
Corresponder to the sick, the celebrating, or the generous
Archivist for everything that "must" be kept
Keeper and locater of birth certificates and other valuable documents

Washer and ironer of clothes
Keeper and copier of tax forms

Calendar keeper for the family's visit to the doctor, the dentist,
the orthodontist, the barber, and the mechanic

Fitness expert
Keeper of each family member's daily itinerary

Cleaner of the oven, the drawers, the closets, the garage,
the curtains, the bedding, the windows, even the walls

Washer and waxer of cars
Refinisher of furniture
Emergency medical technician and "ambulance" driver

Are you tired, yet?

And what else does a mother do?

Well, among many other things, she does these:

Clip ten fingernails and ten toenails for each young child regularly
Return library books and videos
Get film developed

Choose gifts, purchase gifts, wrap gifts for birthdays, Christmas,
Father's Day, Mother's Day, wedding showers, baby showers,
anniversaries, etc,

Mail packages, buy stamps
Drop off the dry cleaning; pick up the dry cleaning
Have pictures framed
Haul everything that need repair

Attend recitals and sporting events
Attend every school event imaginable
Chauffeur everyone everywhere

Cover for my sick kid on his 4:00 am paper route
Comb little girl hairdos and little boys

Replace every battery in everything that ticks, whirls, or beeps
Help in the classroom
Become a mandatory volunteer for every fundraising drive
Participate in most school committees and boards
Attend school PTA meetings and conferences
Act as a room mother, making things and organizing parties
Chaperon field trips and special events

Coordinate carpools
Serve as a Scout leader, a Blue Bird leader, an Awana leader, a Sunday School teacher

Purchase most everything for the family and the home
Keep relationships healthy with friends and every member on both sides of the family
Deliver forgotten lunches, forgotten homework, forgotten athletic gear

Attend church, Bible studies, committee meetings, showers,
weddings, choir practices, board meetings, potlucks,
and neighborhood gatherings just to "stay active and informed"

Return everything everyone buys
Save lives-- sometimes figuratively... sometimes literally

I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted.

Think about this – there are working moms who do all these things.

And I imagine that there are mothers here who can add to that list.
And remember, we didn't add all that she does for her husband, parents, grandparents, and friends.

Proverbs 31: 10, 27-28 says,

"Who can find a virtuous woman?
For her price is far above rubies...
She looketh well to the ways of her household,
And eateth not the bread of idleness.
Her children arise up, and call her blessed;
her husband also. And he praiseth her

What does a mother do all day?

All these things and so much more.
The vocation of mothering is "a real job," and it takes a lot of love and dedication.

So, we honor our mothers.
We must pray daily for our mothers.
We must do all that we can to lift their load.

Thank God for our mothers.

Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White

Email Dr. White at

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