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 Family Sermons -- A Sermon Site of Dr. Harold L. White

 Will Our Children Have Faith? - Deuteronomy 6:4-9
 Children watch their parents!
 Children are extremely perceptive, and they quickly recognize whether
 there is a connection between their parent's faith and the way they live.
 Unfortunately, the failure of many Christian parents to effectively model their faith
 leads some children to reject Christianity.
 The children have seen a distorted version of Christianity.
 They have never been exposed to the real thing. ...

 Dedicating Your Best - 1 Samuel 1:11
 Giving her son to the Lord marked a crossroad in Hannah's life.
 She could have continued weeping about her lot in life, failing to trust God
 with her circumstances.
 Instead, she chose to give up something that she had not yet received from the Lord.
 As a result of her faith, Hannah received a son who was destined to usher
 in a new, more God-fearing era in Israel's history. ...

 About Our Children - 10-13-16
 What do children live with in your home?
 And just as important, what do they live with in the school.
 Our high school principal said, "Your children will be safe here."
 They are doing all they can to protect our children.
 But the protection does not just apply to their physical safety.
 Children must be protected emotionally. ...

 Children, Obey Your Parents - Ephesians 6:1-3
 Why should children obey their parents?
 Obedience to parents is an obedience to God.
 It is in the home that we learn how to respond to authority and unconditional love.
 The honor we owe to God is learned at home.
 We must learn what it means to honor.
 The word used here for honor is "timao," which means, "to place value on something."
 To honor is to esteem and value.
 How much are your parents worth?
 That is how much you honor them. ...

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